Introduction to Village Lador
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Lador village is 005794. Lador village is located in Jammu tehsil of Jammu district in Jammu & Kashmir, India. It is situated 16km away from Jammu, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Lador village. As per 2009 stats, Flora Nagbani is the gram panchayat of Lador village. It is a simple and peaceful village that generally is regarded as the down to root level of a village.
Population and Ruralization
The total geographical area of village is 72 hectares. Lador has a total population of 924 peoples, out of which male population is 472 while female population is 452. Literacy rate of lador village is 67.21% out of which 73.52% males and 60.62% females are literate. There are about 189 houses in lador village. Pincode of lador village locality is 181206. Village has good enough infrastructure and washrooms in every home with some them don't have access to them but still most of the people have every essentials. Roads are single lane and have good wellness to travel and have educational instituions in the village.
Cultural Heritage of Scheduled Caste(SC) and Scheduled Tribes(ST)
The cultural heritage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCs and STs) is rich and diverse and includes variety of traditions, practices and festivals. This village have a sacred grove, a dancing floor, and a bachelor's dormitory. It also have traditional festivals, such as Sarhul, and a weekly market. Tribal communities have used natural resources for a long time. The term "scheduled caste" was coined by the Simon Commission in 1927. During the colonial period, they were also referred to as "Depressed Classes", "Exterior Castes", and "Untouchables". Gandhiji called them "Harijans" (the people of God) .The Government of India has initiatives to promote the cultural heritage of SCs and STs, including a festival that showcases the cultural heritage of tribal communities through folk dances, songs, traditional practices, and more known as National Tribal Festival. There is also a strategy that aims to develop tribal people socio-economically. The TSP requires that the funds provided are proportional to the ST population of each state are also given in the village for the betterment of the community.
Historical Accounts
This village have a less known history to the people but from the old times this village was regarded as a peaceful and down to root level type of village where there is history that is known less and more on practical values of a person no myths but reality of the living is desired here. Most of the majority don't even knows this village and less known of whereabouts.
Principal Attractions
Natural Scenic and Recreational Spaces
Village is a home to wild animals like mongoose and birds like sparrows and bulbuls. It is a scenic landscape of variety of flora fauna with sunset as cool as watching from different states with broad farms and lots of greenery to be seen with the eyes that spark curiousity and living with the root and making the best out of the harmony with the nature
Historical Monuments
There is a Shiv mandir situated at the centre of the village from where people come and offer flowers to the stone head and this is an ancient temple with lots of significance and ideals from a very long time people visit it at morning and at evening for aarti. It has a beautiful images of gods and godesses and various brilliant sculptures of a diety and that promotes religious tradtions and culture of the Hindus and it is a good place for visit and for taking prayers when we need the most.
Best Times to Visit: Seasonal Festivities
During Diwali Celebrations
People come and buy different types of things for the festival and there is lot of commotion and music also we can hear and belive the moment in the sparkle and there is children buying crackers and at night the whole sky is full of lights and provide a landscape of different colours. It is a great time to visit and to live in the moment.
Gastronomy: Local Cuisine
Traditional Dishes and Festive Meals
Kantoori ki Sabzi is made by using lots of different spices and with best garam masalas and with the vegetable only grown mostly in the village and people love it with mint chutney and chappatis with butter make them feel extravagant and happy.
Village Lifestyles and Values
Community-Centered Living
People live in harmony with different cultures and communty and takee part in every day life of one and mostly engage during the agriculture yield and harvest and help each others in the ways when one can rely on one another for their welfare and well-being and they are nice to each other and are in hard and lows of one and all even when one cannot other does that that is the way of living in the village a peaceful and happy place to live and let live.
Economic Activities: Occupations and Innovations
Primary Source of Livelihood
People generally are in majority of 70%-80% in agriculture while the others in military service and in teaching line of work or in private sector. They are mostly depended on their yield of crop as a primary basic for living and getting money in the hands and harvest is the main time when they are focused and doing the work at night to day .
Conservation and Sustainibilty
People walk everyday and promote conservation of fossil fuels and by cycling they ensure there is no harm to the environment and also plant trees in thye farms for their uses and for renewable of energies while there is use of natural gas for crop yield and waste water management in the households for the type of maintainability of ground water with ample amount used for watering plants and for washing vegetables small small efforts give a rise to highlight the major importance of sustainability.
Accessibility and Connectivity
Public Bus Service is available within village, Private Bus Service is available within village ,Railway Station is available within 10+ km distance. There is lots of options for transportations options available and people travel a lot and there is also a good network coverage that is helpful for work and for regular entertainment and makes life easier. People have access to the internet but not everyone have the limit to do so . There is poverty also in some parts of village that connect only to root level not to the latest techs.
Healthcare and Wellbeing
There is a medical centre home to old aged people for regular checkups and alls and people come and get every sort of medications for them and believe the best and tests are also conducted there and it is the one and only centre far too important one. Fitness centres are not available in the village but outside it people go and make shape of their bodies and make their wellbeing good and a better one.
Arts and Entertainments
When there is Maha shivratri jagraan is held and people come and attend it with pure dedication as there is food also available time to time and there comes a swami or guru from different state to preach people about religious beliefs also a dance for the festival that people watch and enjoy and ,make room in their lives also there is a great week organized every 3-6 months for the community for 7 days and there is the same thing happening with pooja havans every morning and food given at the eve.
Sports and Recreation
People come and play in the ground most of times but there is also tournaments held every year for football,cricket and volleyball most of the times by the people who are interested and sometimes by government teams from different villages play and enjoy the tourney a safe and carefree environment is made with commentators and spectators and also lights are well equipped. This promotes sports as an individual for good health and wellbeing.
Education and Development
Village have a government aided school for primary level and anganwadi centres(AWCs) are there for children under the age of 0-6 that foster care and nutrition to the child and this is the best way to start the pinnacle to the success in one's life. The steps are made and with luck and with blessing of God education is given and rise and shine to the heights where we don't know the limits.
Location Map
Contact Information
Address |
District Jammu, Pincode-181206 |
Phone Number |
8491029240 |
Website | |
Reviews (2)
bhai mast hai
very nice description and good pics